Monthly Archives: November 2018

Helping The Troops

Helping The Troops
November 27, 2018

Help For Our Heroes Darren Seys with Commander Ryan Ley   Darren Seys, founder, and CEO of Peak Seven was quoted in the Miami Herald’s article There’s still lots of time to help others for Thanksgiving, this week. As a board member of Entrepreneurs’ Organization South Florida (EO), Darren indicated that troops in their early […]


The Who’s Who in Real Estate

The Who’s Who in Real Estate
November 21, 2018

The Who’s Who in Real Estate If you’ve had that chance to read through this month’s edition of Parkland Lifestyle Magazine, you would have come across a great feature spotlighting Darren Seys, the founder and CEO of Peak Seven Advertising. As an agency, we are incredibly grateful and proud to be highlighted in this fantastic […]



We are excited to announce that Bigfoot Web, Denver Colorado, a Peak Seven Company, was named “Best Cost-Efficient Web Design Company” by Acquisition International.

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