Facebook’s Advertising Reach is Now a Quarter of the Earth

Facebook’s Advertising Reach is Now a Quarter of the Earth

Written By Julia - February 15, 2023

At the end of 2022, Meta released some exciting new global user data: The number of people using Facebook daily had topped 2 billion, on average. That’s one-quarter of the entire global population.

Meta also said the number of active users across its apps, which include Instagram and Whatsapp, was up 5 percent year-over-year, and that Facebook was seeing high adoption rates for Reels – the platform’s answer to short-form video app TikTok.

What does this mean for marketers? Despite its status as a social network “elder,” Facebook is still a massive draw and a smart place to invest advertising dollars.

One in four humans logs into the site daily. Combined with Facebook’s ever-improving targeting algorithms, this presents an incredible opportunity for businesses large and small to reach the right people with relevant messaging. Ad options now include a range of media types and delivery options, with powerful optimization tools to help refine campaigns in ways that increase their effectiveness.

Whether you already advertise on Facebook and want to explore ways to better leverage the platform or you simply want to understand what’s possible, Peak Seven is home to Facebook advertising experts.

Our Facebook strategies are designed to maximize your marketing dollars by delivering brand messages to the right people at the right moment. Curious? Talk to us today.

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